Articles & News

A Word from Gregg Harris | June 2022

May 26, 2022

The concept of stewardship is largely foreign to our culture. We understand ownership, borrowing, leasing, and mortgaging but don’t know much about stewardship. Yet making good use of what God entrusts to us is a biblical concept—something we daily think about at THRU the BIBLE.

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Why Study Joshua?

May 26, 2022

With the book of Joshua as our pattern, we'll learn how to take possession of all the spiritual blessings that God has given us.

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The Power Behind Global Outreach

April 29, 2022

Your time investment is minimal; your heart investment will yield much fruit. Sounds like a great way to put yourself in the path where God is moving and blessing our generation.

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Jesus Cried for You

April 29, 2022

Scripture says God laughs; Scripture also says God weeps. The Gospel writers record three times the Lord Jesus Christ wept, tears revealing the heart of God. God in tears? That’s a thought to ponder. It’s indeed startling. Let’s look at these three occasions in His ministry when Jesus wept.

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Why Study Deuteronomy?

April 29, 2022

Explore the pathway of blessing and consequences from the farewell address of Israel's grand old man, Moses, and learn what we can do to please God.

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What's on Your Phone?

March 23, 2022

What always impresses me when I look back at the growth of THRU the BIBLE over the last decade is the creativity of our ministry partners in their ideas on how to “take the whole Word to the whole world.”

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A View from the Cross

March 23, 2022

“My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” Remember when Jesus cried this from His cross? Did you know He was quoting Psalm 22? Follow along with Dr. McGee as we see the events of the cross from Jesus’ perspective … and the ancient Psalms.

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In the Beginning

February 25, 2022

The Gospel of John is one of the easiest books to read, yet one of the most profound Gospels to understand. We might get the surface meaning easily enough, but to understand the deep truths, we need the Lord Jesus to be our teacher.

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