Articles & News

Why Study Philippians?

December 21, 2023

Paul wrote this loving letter from prison—though you'd never know it. It overflows with practical, personal help to live the Christian life.

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2023 in Review

November 29, 2023

THRU the BIBLE president, Gregg Harris, looks back at the past year and shares some of the moments and stories that best highlight God's provision and blessing.

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Jesus in Proverbs

November 29, 2023

While the book of Proverbs seems to be a collection of sayings without any particular order, it really tells a story. It’s a picture of a young man starting out in life. It is a good book for anyone.

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A Word from Gregg Harris | December 2023

November 29, 2023

I had my assignment. As we got ready to record our weekly conversations in the studio for December, Steve and I were asked to bring our favorite letters from 2023 to share. No problem—I keep a running collection. However, when I started to review them, I realized I had a big problem—how to choose my favorite?

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Travel Notes from an (Accidental) Global Christian

October 31, 2023

I was recently blessed to travel to Southeast Asia to work on several global project initiatives for THRU the BIBLE. I departed with intentions of having a significant spiritual impact on the people and ministries I would be serving. I returned realizing that I was in fact the one who was significantly impacted.

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Climbing the Mountaintops of Ephesians

October 31, 2023

Many people run for cover when they hear the word predestination. The natural man hates this word, and the average believer finds it difficult to accept at face value. Although the explanation might be clear, the truth it contains is hard to receive.

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A Word from Gregg Harris | November 2023

October 31, 2023

We talk a lot about how we can each be part of the mission of taking the whole Word to the whole world. I’ve been impressed and challenged by so many of your creative ideas and encouraged by your initiative.

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What’s Happening with WhatsApp?

September 28, 2023

One of THRU the BIBLE’s ministry partners, Mobile Christian Network (MCN), uses WhatsApp to engage people in India, Africa, and parts of Asia. MCN posts the THRU the BIBLE program every day and thousands listen.

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The Beautiful Relationship We Have in Christ

September 28, 2023

In 62 A.D., four men left Rome, traveling east to modern Turkey. Tucked in their satchels, each carried a letter written by a Roman prisoner waiting to appear before the emperor. These four letters are in the Word of God, called the “Prison Epistles of Paul.”

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Why Study Ephesians?

September 28, 2023

Think about how you've grown in your Christian life since you came to faith in Jesus Christ. The why and how are here in Ephesians.

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Jesus in Ephesians

September 28, 2023

In eternity past, God chose us, predestined us, and made us accepted in the Beloved. Now we step into time, where God the Father puts His plans for the church into the hands of His Son, Jesus Christ.

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Jesus: The Adolescent

August 25, 2023

When Jesus was 12, Dr. Luke thought it was proper to tell us one occurrence in Jesus’ life that marks a change from childhood to adolescence. It is an isolated incident, and we don’t want to miss it, for it bridges the gap from His birth to the time He began His public ministry.

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A Word from Gregg Harris | September 2023

August 25, 2023

As percentages go, the Bible’s success rate is pretty remarkable. I appreciate Dr. McGee’s confidence in God when he reflected that every time God’s Word is preached, it will accomplish what God intends.

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Jesus in the Psalms

August 25, 2023

You know Psalm 23, likely by heart. But the poetry that takes us to green pastures would be meaningless without Psalm 22, which is like standing on holy ground.

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Reaching the World with the Word, One App at a Time

August 25, 2023

In a world more interconnected than ever before, the echoes of Dr. J. Vernon McGee’s mission—‑“the whole Word to the whole world”—resound louder than ever. This vision is being realized through our faithful broadcasters and the power of digital technology in developments like our Contextualized Bible Apps.

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What’s Happening in Africa?

July 28, 2023

“Yes, God is mightily at work in Uganda and South Sudan!” says our faithful team in Uganda, led by David Wamimbi. “We thank God for His goodness and faithfulness.”

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