Articles & News

Ethiopia Leaders Welcome Home Group Training

September 27, 2024

Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to visit Ethiopia and Kenya to witness the work of God in these two countries. During my time in Ethiopia, THRU the BIBLE organized a three-day training session for pastors interested in establishing Home Groups in their respective communities.

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The Prayer Challenge #2

September 27, 2024

Dr. McGee believed that when we pray, good things follow through the faithfulness of God. This is a good place to pause and be reminded of the power behind THRU the BIBLE’s global ministry. The vision begins with prayer.

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Saints or Ain’ts?

September 27, 2024

No matter how high the steeple rises in the sky or how beautiful the worship inside, the message delivered from the pulpit will tell you whether a church is really a church. A church must teach sound doctrine or it’s not a church.

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A Word from Gregg Harris | October 2024

September 27, 2024

Dr. McGee was a pastor his whole life, first to a congregation at church and then to a congregation on the air. That’s why we especially love to read pastors’ letters on the air and give away so many resources on Acting like a pastor, giving out God’s Word, is part of our DNA.

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Why Study Philemon?

September 27, 2024

Why study Philemon? Because we all mess up sometimes. This short letter from the apostle Paul is to his friend Philemon. Behind the letter is a dramatic story set against the backdrop of slavery. It’s an illustration of “what forgiveness looks like” and was hand-carried by the one who needed it. Grace is messy sometimes.

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Why Study Titus?

September 27, 2024

“This is how to lead a church.” Life in the first century dealt with the same issues we do today. Learn how the apostle Paul, through the influence of the Holy Spirit, directed Titus in how to organize the church, how to choose leaders, and how we can lead healthy and holy lives.

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The Bible Points the Way

August 28, 2024

The life of the believer is a journey. If you are a Christian, you are a stranger down here, a pilgrim in a foreign land. You feel that, don’t you? Then how are you to navigate these things throughout your life’s journey? You need a road map, a chart, a compass. You need something to point the way. Where do you find those things? Look to the remedy—God’s Word contains it all.

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Why Study Ezekiel?

August 28, 2024

The people would not listen to Ezekiel’s words of warning to return to God, so instead he acted out the apocalyptic parables, and it pierced peoples’ hearts.

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Jesus in Ezekiel

August 28, 2024

“I saw visions of God.” While the captives in Babylon sat down and wept by the rivers of Babylon, Ezekiel was seeing visions of God.

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The Prayer Challenge #1

August 28, 2024

Dr. McGee believed that when we pray, good things follow through the faithfulness of God. This is a good place to pause and be reminded of the power behind THRU the BIBLE’s global ministry. The vision begins with prayer.

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Worship and the Word in East Africa

July 31, 2024

The voices raised in worship singing this wonderful hymn spilled out of open windows into the warm Kenyan surroundings. But, coming a little closer to the gathering, you would hear the words being sung by more than 80 people in Amharic, Swahili, Oromo, Somali, and Tigrinya—heart languages from the Horn of Africa.

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Why All Scripture?

July 31, 2024

The only antidote we have against a world of apostasy is the Word of God. Understanding and applying Scripture is the only resource and recourse that will help us combat the evil of false teachers. Paul tells Timothy to continue in the things he has learned. Timothy has had a godly heritage and grew up on the Word of God. Now he needs to grow in his salvation.

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Why Study 2 Timothy?

July 31, 2024

At the end of his life Paul said, “I’ve fought the good fight, I’ve finished the race, I’ve kept the faith” (4:7). It was worth it, he concluded. This, his final letter, will encourage us all to press on.

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Why Study 1 Timothy?

July 31, 2024

Paul wrote to Timothy about how to continue on without him—about how to grow a healthy and strong local assembly of believers organized for a common purpose: the glory of God.

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How God Opens His Word to Us

July 04, 2024

When the Bible says “meditate,” God is asking us to “ponder.” Different from just reading or studying, meditating is sitting with God’s truth for a while—giving it careful consideration.

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Why Study Lamentations?

July 04, 2024

This small book is the saddest book in the Bible. It’s Jeremiah’s funeral dirge, like he’s singing the blues as he walked the destroyed streets of Jerusalem.

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