A Word from Gregg Harris | November 2024
October 30, 2024
Courageous people are all around you—they are those who stand for God in the middle of conflict, uncomfortable, and even dangerous situations. That’s the way it’s always been. We read about these people in Dr. McGee’s article on Hebrews 11’s “hall of faith” (pages 2-5) and also Daniel’s friends thrown in the fiery furnace (page 11).
And that’s the way it still is today among God’s family. We value the gift of salvation, our relationship with God, and His eternal life so much that nothing in this world compares to it. When that commitment is tested in God’s people, they come forth like gold (Job 23:10).
In the THRU the BIBLE family, right now I’m thinking of—
- Our Ukrainian producer who serves as a chaplain in the on-going fight for their country. He knows how valuable it is to keep God’s Word on the air, so he puts himself in harm’s way to keep the broadcast live.
- The pastor in Southeast Asia who ministers to his entire people group, oversees 14 churches, raises his 14 children, and leads 40 students attending the Bible institute he started.
- And the “voice of Dr. McGee” in South Sudan who ministers in a threatening world, and whose son was recently murdered on the street. Yet still, he believes and stands for God and takes God’s Word to his people.
Everywhere we look in THRU the BIBLE’s family, I find heroes of faith. We read about them in the stories you share. I look forward to hearing all the personal accounts in heaven when we gather together. I guarantee everyone will say, “Worth it.”
Grateful for your partnership in taking the whole Word to the whole world,

Gregg Harris
THRU the BIBLE, president