December 28, 2018
Most of us will admit to our shame that we worry. We know the Bible says it’s wrong, even sinful, but we still do it. Here’s our opportunity to change our ways. Instead of worrying, let’s pray about everything.
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November 29, 2018
We may never hear a lot of great stories of how God is working in Japan, but our partner there reminded me, “Don’t forget about the one.” Jesus told us about the shepherd who left the 99 to find the one lost sheep (Matthew 18:12-14).
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November 29, 2018
The Christmas story: What is it and how did it all begin?
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November 22, 2018
“The purpose of God’s Word is to point us to Jesus. We don’t read the Bible as some self-help book, we read it to get a better picture of God’s character. Proverbs is the most intensely practical book in the Bible, filled with wisdom for everyday issues but it begins with “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” This isn’t just good advice—wisdom is a way to see Jesus.” --Dr. J. Vernon McGee
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October 26, 2018
In Brazil, the Bible Bus rides beneath the 120-foot tall statue of Jesus with His arms outstretched over the city of Rio de Janeiro. The statue is a powerful reminder that God loves the people of Latin America. Thru the Bible is committed to telling them so through the faithful exposition of God’s Word.
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October 26, 2018
That’s what we’re on this month—a treasure hunt in the book of Proverbs. Dr. J. Vernon McGee leads us in our search for hidden treasure and tells us how to find the wisdom that leads us to know the Lord in His Word.
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October 16, 2018
Think about how you've grown in your Christian life since you came to faith in Jesus Christ. The why and how are here in Ephesians. Find out in our study this month what it means to be a Christian and a church, both in faith and in practice.
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September 24, 2018
Ephesians has the definitive description of our wonderful salvation in Christ Jesus. Dr. McGee shares about a conversation he had that answers the great question, just how does God save us?
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August 29, 2018
Hear from the source what it’s like to share God’s Word with the people of Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States.
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August 29, 2018
Today you and I are living in a created universe that is actually singing worship to a worthy God. But man is out of tune, and God’s great purpose is to bring man back into the harmony of heaven.
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August 01, 2018
The Psalms model for us the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings and what it means for us to connect with God--in praise, thanksgiving, and sorrow.
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July 25, 2018
The Psalms express the deepest emotions of shepherds and kings, prophets and priests, as they wrestle with loss, disillusionment, celebration, and the hope of eternal life with the God who made them. But more than anything, the Psalms picture a new way to see Jesus Christ.
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July 25, 2018
Hear directly from some of our producers how God is using Thru the Bible to reach people’s hearts in Africa
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July 04, 2018
When you "think Galatians, think grace." That's what the first readers of this letter from the apostle Paul were prompted to think. These first-century Jews who followed Jesus forgot that Jesus had saved them by grace, rather than by the Law of Moses. They also forgot that Christian Gentiles came to faith in Christ the same way they did.
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June 25, 2018
How long have you known and walked with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Interestingly, God makes it clear in His Word that it’s not the years that matter, but the growth in godliness that is the fruit of those years.
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June 25, 2018
Hardly a day goes by that North Korea (called The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, or DPRK) isn’t a focus of world news. Known as the "Hermit Kingdom," North Korea has isolated its people from the outside world for 50 years, and so this added exposure is drawing attention.
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June 01, 2018
The story of Job is about perseverance: How does a faithful man walk with God in the middle of suffering? He didn't know that he was being watched by God and Satan. He didn't know God would restore all that had been taken away. Job trusted God in the darkest hours of his life. Over 25 times he asked God, "Why?"--without any explanation. In the end, Job discovered God was worthy of his trust.
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May 24, 2018
Last year we told you about a new Thru the Bible ministry concept that has recently taken off in India called a “Radio Home Group.” Now we have a firsthand, eyewitness account to how God is at work from Thru the Bible’s president, Gregg Harris.
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May 24, 2018
The book of Job should never be entered lightly, but thoughtfully . . . compassionately. The same is true whenever we meet someone who is walking in the valley of shadows, of pain, or of death or even of setbacks and discouragement. Perhaps you’re there now. In this fragile place where questions about God and about life’s meaning and purpose fill your thoughts, our teacher, Dr. J. Vernon McGee, has a word of counsel: Let the love of God hold you up.
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May 18, 2018
In a time of exile when Israel had forgotten about God, the book of Esther proves that God had not forgotten about them. God's ongoing providence is on display in the least likely circumstances. A great story, and even better that it's actually true!
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