Articles & News

You have to make a choice

August 28, 2023

You can put your trust in Him. Either come to Him today and receive Him as Savior or someday you’ll be brought before His presence for judgment. He is either your Savior or your Judge. And He can’t be both.” - Dr. J. Vernon McGee

“I choose Jesus.”

That’s the good news we hear from a listener in Peru. Rejoice in the rest of his story:

“I was raised in church but didn’t really understand the Bible. I began listening to your programs and it was very clear I had missed the point entirely. I needed to make a decision about who Jesus was and if I wanted to be committed to Him or not. I now can say I am a believer and have dedicated my life to His service. Thank you for this great teaching that has opened my eyes to so many wonderful things. May God prosper His Word on the lips of your servants and prosper their lives with great blessings for them and their families.”

Isn’t that great? Today let’s pray all those who listen to THRU the BIBLE make a choice to receive Jesus as their Savior. From Peru to Pittsburgh and throughout Pakistan---wherever we live—may we bow before Him, call Him Lord, and follow Him with all our hearts.

Want to share how our prayer journey is making a difference in your own life? Email us today. And come along tomorrow to Ecuador as a listener named Ximena encourages us to “get to work for God.”

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