Articles & News

Are you too busy for God?

June 29, 2023

“I was too busy for God.”

That’s what we hear from Kaya as the World Prayer Team travels through South Africa. Here’s the rest of her story.

“I grew up in a Christian family. We attended church and worshiped the Lord together. As an adult, I attended for a while, but children came along and the duties of life increased, so it was easier to stay home. I soon found myself preoccupied with other things, and God was a distant thought from my mind.

“Then I had a health scare and began to evaluate and establish new healthy habits. One of those priorities was connecting again with God. I searched online and found your program. As I studied, I began to see how Jesus created space in His life, and I wanted to do the same thing. If our busy Lord could retreat to spend time with the Father, surely I can, too. Please pray that I may stay faithful and that I can teach my children to do the same.”

In the midst of a growing ministry, Jesus often withdrew to be with God (see Luke 5:15-16), and He calls us to do the same (see Luke 10:38-42 and Romans 12:1-2). As God’s Word goes out in South Africa today, pray more people begin to regularly spend time with Him in His Word. As they create space for Him to work in their lives, may others around them (children, spouses, and friends) see the benefit and begin to do the same.

We’re praying against spiritual deceit and distraction tomorrow in Lesotho. We’ll see you there.