Articles & News

Pray Jeremiah 29:13 in Egypt

April 19, 2023

And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. -Jeremiah 29:13

“The Bible is corrupt … Christians are polytheistic, they believe in three gods!”

These are a couple of the biggest misconceptions Muslim youth are often taught about Christianity. Sofian says he heard these explanations, too, but began to wonder:

“My parents were very serious about Christianity being based on lies. However, in my teens I began to research. I started watching some videos and reading posts about Jesus. The teachings of Jesus seemed solid and unique. Then I came across your Facebook page and listened to some of your episodes and read different posts. My intrigue turned to respect, so I called your office full of many questions. Thank you to your team who answered my questions and urged me to pray and ask God to open my mind and heart to His true identity. Through this process I accepted Jesus is my Lord, and I’m so grateful He has taken all of my sins away and set me free.”

The God of the entire universe is interested in a relationship with us! Today as we thank God for all those in Muslim-dominant countries who are searching for Him, give thanks that He opens His arms to all who seek Him. Pray Jeremiah 29:13 asking for more Egyptians to be drawn to Him and, like Sofian, open their hearts to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.

Small acts of obedience can yield big results. That’s what we’ll hear tomorrow in Morocco.

Listen here to TTB-Arabic.