Don’t listen to the critics, listen to your creator
October 14, 2022
Don’t listen to the critics, listen to your Creator. That’s the message we hear from one THRU the BIBLE passenger in Pakistan. Here’s more of her email:
“I recently heard the story of the prophet Noah from the book of Genesis, which I thoroughly enjoyed. My Home Group was fascinated by the narrative. Despite the ridicule, Noah continued to believe in God and built an ark according to God's instructions. We believe this means that if we are obedient to God and obey His laws, we can have our lives preserved as well. We have the opportunity to inherit the eternal kingdom Jesus promised. I pray we can all be as faithful and obedient as Noah."
Isn’t that great encouragement? Today thank God our future belongs to Him, not to those who criticize and ridicule. Pray everyone who join us on the Bible Bus has the courage to listen, discern, obey, and to ultimately let God have His way with their lives.
North America is our destination next week. Come along and pray with us.
Listen here to TTB-Urdu.
Home Groups
South Asia