Articles & News

Praying for frightened Christians in Afghanistan

September 09, 2022

He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength. -Isaiah 40:29

Welcome, World Prayer Team. As our journey through southern Asia this week comes to an end, we receive a prayer request from THRU the BIBLE’S team in Afghanistan. They share:

‘I am frightened.’ That’s what we just heard from one of our listeners this morning, and it’s not an unusual statement. This gentleman asked us to pray for the security of his family and the battles that are taking place in their region. They feel exceptionally frail today. We empowered him to take his requests to the Lord, as He is our supplier, protector, defender. We shared Isaiah 40:29 with him and prayed. Please join us in interceding for this family and all others who reach out to us. It is not safe in many places here, especially for Christians.”

Thank God for those who tirelessly work to get His Word out in Afghanistan despite the risks. Together let’s thank God for all His people who live in spiritually dark and dangerous places.

Father, thank You for Your people who stand strong in scary situations. We ask You to make their way solid and hold the enemy back. Give those who share Your name the courage, strength, and faith to fight any spiritual battle before them. Remind them that they are not alone. Remind them we are praying for them and, most importantly, that You are with them. In the precious and powerful name of Jesus, amen.

Next week we’re praying through the Middle East. Join us on Monday in Armenia.

Listen here to TTB-Pashto.