Good news from Latvia
May 27, 2022
“All Scripture is not to me, but all Scripture is for me.” -Dr. J. Vernon McGee from his digital booklet, “How to Understand the Bible”
Have you hopped aboard the Bible Bus today? If not, our study in Deuteronomy is rich in history and filled with insights about spiritual blessings that wait for every believer who will cross over Jordan by faith.
What does that mean? Find out when you listen. And, together let’s rejoice with Ludis who recently began traveling through God’s Word with us. He writes:
“I never wanted to study the Old Testament. It seemed boring and out of date and completely unrelatable. But praise God through your studies my mind has changed. I now read and listen with attentiveness and joy to all God is wanting me to learn.”
It’s true, God is communicating to us through His Word—all of it. Pray today more Latvians join us on the Bible Bus and discover the joy found in hearing directly from Him.
A listener in Ghana ponders the most important question a person can ask. Find out more on Monday.
Listen here to TTB-Russian.