Articles & News

Seeking eternal goals instead of earthly pursuits

October 06, 2021

“When I found your programs a month ago, I asked a friend to study the Bible with me. Never did I imagine how important it would be and also how fun.”

Welcome to Grenada. As we tour this relaxed, friendly and quiet country, we pray for THRU the BIBLE as it reaches listeners like Susana. Here’s more of her story:

“We laugh, we cry, we confide in one another, but mostly we spend time looking for ways to make our lives more about our eternal goals than our earthly pursuits. Your messages have changed us completely.”

Isn’t that great? Pray today for God’s Word as it goes out in both English and Spanish. As we do, pray we too are changed as we study His Word. May His purposes and plans be what our hearts’ long for. May His will be done in our lives and in the world.

What does holiness look like in our lives? A listener in Panama answers that question tomorrow as our journey through Central America and the Caribbean continues. See you there.

Listen here to TTB-Spanish.