Articles & News

God’s Word gave me comfort and company

February 02, 2021

God is faithful. That’s what we heard from Dr. McGee in our study of Revelation 7 today, and it’s also what we hear as we travel on our knees in Zambia. A listener named CeCe shares:

“I heard your programs in the hospital just when I needed them. God’s Word gave me comfort and company. I never used to fully believe in God, but now I wonder. The nurse that cares for me tells me God is faithful, we can trust Him. I want to know more about this. Can you tell me how I can listen to your programs when I return home?”

Today, let’s thank the Lord for all those who share His love with others. Nurses, teachers, co-workers, neighbors, and friends, pray for these brothers and sisters as they share God’s Word with all those they encounter in their work and daily life. What a great witness!

Want to share God’s Word with those you care about? These resources can help. Download them or forward the link. We’ll be praying you have an impact today.

Our journey through Eastern Africa continues tomorrow in Eritrea, join us on your knees.

Listen here to TTB-Shona.