Articles & News

A small business owner overcomes her fears with faith

October 01, 2020

“This book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” -Joshua 1:8

Welcome, World Prayer Team. Journey through Western Africa today. In the country of Benin, we meet with Murielle and hear her story.

“In my family, it seems that a curse hovers over us. Most of us don’t succeed in achieving what we start. So, we are full of fear before any kind of project. After my training, I planned to set up my own hair shop. But I was very afraid to fail.

“Even my neighbors told me I could not succeed because the place I rented was not suitable for the job. But I remembered one of your programs on Joshua 1:8 and proceeded. All along I have asked God to bless me. I play your programs for those coming into my shop, and I have many customers. I praise the Lord that no matter how great the foe’s attacks, I am protected by Him. I pray God will spread this program throughout the world. May you be blessed for your work.”

Praise God for His Word that gives us confidence and strength. Join us as we study Jude 8-9 with Dr. McGee today, and ask the Lord to give us courage and hope as we meditate on His words and seek to follow Him with our lives.

A listener in Guinea Bissau needs our prayers. Join us tomorrow as our journey through Western Africa continues.