Articles & News

Pray for 5.7 million people with HIV in South Africa

June 29, 2020

South Africa is home to nearly 55 million people whom God loves, and more than 5.7 million of them live with HIV/AIDS.

A listener named Emily is one of them. Here’s her story:

“My husband no longer talks to me, even though I believe he infected me. We have lived in the same house for six years but live in different rooms. He is ashamed of my disease and of me for receiving treatment. I was very lonely and scared, but one day I heard your programs and felt some hope. I have asked the Lord’s forgiveness for my sins and feel joy and peace as His child. Knowing I am loved helps me go on.”

May the more than 1,100 South Africans who contract HIV each day know they are loved, too. As Thru the Bible broadcasts in South Africa, pray many more will place their hope and trust in Jesus and be comforted by the fact they will never be alone in their sickness and struggles.

There’s more to pray about tomorrow in Botswana. Tell your family and friends to join us at