“Thirty minutes aren’t enough …”
August 08, 2019
Welcome, World Prayer Team! As we’ve traveled through Central Europe on our knees this week, we’ve seen how many countries and their people still suffer under the aftermath of Communism.
Support God’s work in Bulgaria with your prayers today for people like Blagovest who writes from Svoge, Bulgaria:
“I never knew the meaning of true Christian life. I never gave importance to the Bible or to prayer. One day when I turned on the radio, I happened upon this program. I had never heard anyone preach from the Bible this way, and I was amazed at what I heard. I felt I was directly being spoken to. I soon repented of my sins with great conviction and asked the Lord to forgive me. I am so glad to accept Jesus as my personal Savior …. These 30 minutes are insufficient for my big desire to learn more about God from His Bible!”
Praise God for spiritual hunger being satisfied by His Word. Pray for more like Blagovest who are responding to God’s love and grace.
Let’s journey on our knees tomorrow as we travel to Hungary and meet Syrian refugees who found new life.