Articles & News

A Word from Gregg Harris

February 03, 2025

Hearers Vs. Doers

The Bible Bus is coming up to one of the most favorite books to study—the epistle of James. Some affectionately call it “the Proverbs of the New Testament” because it’s so packed with wisdom. But this wisdom isn’t just practical platitudes; Dr. McGee called it “wisdom from above.” 

I came across a phrase in James the other day that made me think of you. It’s James 1:22, “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only.” James was saying in effect, Don’t just listen to God’s Word, put it into practice

I’m very glad we’ve got a big company of people riding the Bible Bus, but it gives me the greatest joy to hear how you not only listen to THRU the BIBLE, but you live it out.  Each time you face a trial with deeper faith in God, you’re living out the Word. Each time you pray on the World Prayer Team, each time you invest financially, each time you share a Bible Bus Pass, each time you invite a friend to listen with you—each one of those times, you are not just “hearing” but you’re “doing.” 

Thank you for your model of faith—for when you hear the Word and when you do the Word. You really inspire me, and you inspire each other. So keep it up, brothers and sisters. We’re walking this road to glory together.

Grateful for your partnership in taking the whole Word to the whole world, 

Gregg Harris
THRU the BIBLE, president