A Unique Opportunity in Central Europe
March 22, 2019
TWR’s Central European Ministries Director, Samuel Lacho, shares what God is doing in Central Europe. Read on to discover a surprising challenge and a call to pray:
“Countries in Central and Eastern Europe have gone through massive and very difficult changes during the past 30 years. One of those changes has been a new religious freedom, which allowed many to obtain their own copy of the Bible and freely go to church without fear of being persecuted—which previously was not possible. But very much like the Ethiopian who was approached by Philip in the book of Acts, many people do not understand what they read unless somebody explains it to them.
“During my visits in different European countries, I asked the leaders of TWR ministries what one program they would keep if everything else had to stop. Most of them said that it would be Thru the Bible. TTB is a true backbone of the Christian radio ministries in this part of the world, has the most feedback, and is producing the most fruit in terms of transformed lives and ongoing discipleship ministry. Other Bible resources are available in many countries, but Thru the Bible has a unique position and impact because—through radio, internet, and mobile equipment—it reaches people even in remote areas and equips them in understanding the Bible on an ongoing basis. It helps people understand and apply the timeless truths that are revealed in God’s Word.”
Pray for Bulgaria
“Thru the Bible is the only systematic Bible study in audio in the Bulgarian language. For us, this is a real blessing. Although Bulgaria is part of the European Union, we still are the poorest country and society with the highest rates of corruption. Local churches struggle to find educated pastors and ministers. Radio and internet are great channels to provide teaching of the Word of God to Christians and to those seeking spiritual guidance. Thanks to Thru the Bible, we help local churches in Bulgaria spread the Good News.” -Stoyko Petkov, director of TWR’s national partner in Bulgaria
Our unique opportunity in Central Europe
Pray for Thru the Bible to be used to wake up people lulled into complacency and atheism by generations without spiritual influence. Pray for hope and life to spread through Central Europe through new and effective mediums.
Central Europe