World Prayer Today

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Praying for a Christian majority in Lebanon

September 27, 2024

Home to the highest concentration of believers in the Middle East (32% of the population), Lebanon is a strategic center for Christian ministry throughout the region. It is the only Arab nation that promotes religious freedom and legally allows for conversion, which provides an open door for listeners like Jalal to share God’s Word with others. Here’s his story:

“Thank you so much for this program. It is truly a blessing to my life; my family benefits every day. We share them with others we know, so please continue to send them. We are listening and growing in Christ. May the Lord bless your efforts.”

Thank God for His Word heard on THRU the BIBLE in Arabic and our fellow Bible Bus passengers like Jalal who are willing to share it. Pray today for more Lebanese people to hear God’s Word and respond in faith, believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. May Lebanon soon be the first country in the Middle East to have the majority of citizens following the Lord.

120 million people in Japan still need to hear the gospel. Pray with us on Monday as we begin a new journey through eastern Asia.

Listen here to TTB-Arabic.