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Good news in the Netherlands
July 04, 2024
In previous prayer treks through western Europe, we’ve learned that less than 20% of Dutch people attend church regularly, and half of all church buildings have been destroyed or repurposed as taverns, mosques, etc. The nation is a world leader in promoting New Age worldviews, and more than 47% of the population does not claim a religion at all.
Today let’s thank God for Thomas, a new brother in Christ who has recently been in touch. He shares:
“Thank you for the conversation on WhatsApp and for the offer to allow me to pray on the radio for the study. However, I have just invited Jesus into my life and am just learning to pray. I am very busy with the Bible and am getting into it deeper with these studies. If there are more materials that can help me know more about the Bible I would love to hear about them. I ask you to pray for me.”
Our prayers are being answered. Thank God for the new life He has given Thomas and keep praying more people in the Netherlands and all over the world join us in His Word. May the Netherlands become a God-fearing nation.
Have you ever considered the cost of your salvation? One THRU the BIBLE listener in Germany shares His thoughts tomorrow on World Prayer Today.
Listen here to TTB-Dutch.