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From Thailand: “Our church is growing in the Lord!”
February 29, 2024
“Our church is growing in the Lord!” That’s the good news we hear from a listener who calls himself Mr. L in Thailand. Here’s more:
“I am now 83 years old and with the help of our pastor I have begun to share your teaching with our members. Please send us any materials you have as they will be helpful to our pastor as we listen. Many of us have had little education and are not fully literate, so your messages are a good way for us to learn.”
After 400 years of missionary work, Thai Christians remain around 1% of the population. Praise God for Mr. L and those in Thailand who love God and His Word. Ask God to grow their numbers and their outreach to surrounding communities. May THRU the BIBLE be heard in every village and home throughout the country.
Our journey through southeastern Asia continues tomorrow. Meet us in Cambodia.
Listen here to TTB-Thai.