World Prayer Today

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God is at work in Sudan

January 29, 2024

Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. -Isaiah 43:19

Welcome, team! As our week-long journey through eastern Africa begins, we stop today in the Muslim-dominant country of Sudan. On previous travels we’ve learned that conversion to Christianity is punishable by death, and girls and women are especially vulnerable to rape, forced marriage, and domestic violence for their faith. So together let’s celebrate this letter from Gabriel who writes:

“Since I started listening to the program, I have begun to think differently. I was a drunkard, I didn’t know what to do, where to start. I was so addicted to drugs and beat my wife because she wanted to become a Christian. Now I realize the way I was living is not good, and I needed to come to Jesus. Please pray for me and my family.”

Keep praying for our brothers and sisters in Sudan. Ask Him to protect and heal those affected by violence and persecution. As you do, have confidence that even in the spiritual wilderness of Sudan, God is at work for His glory and the good of His people.

Rejoice in the Lord is more than just a suggestion … it’s a command. So, join us tomorrow as we rejoice and praise God together in Zambia.

Listen here to TTB-Arabic.