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Who introduced you to the Lord?
January 15, 2024
Do you have a spiritual role model? Have you considered mentoring someone? As we thank God for His Word going out in South America today, Mario in Venezuela shares the story of the one person who made a difference in his faith:
“I began listening to your program with my uncle, who was saved by it in the 1970’s. I was a 12-year-old boy at the time. After work he tuned in on a battery-operated radio. I liked the opening song—it gave me peace. In the 80’s the Lord rescued me, too. I began to walk with Him then, and now I am 56 years old.
“Along the way, I studied chemical engineering in the United States, and since 1995 I have not stopped traveling around the world as an employee in the oil and gas industry. In the desert, at sea, in so many different places that I have been in solitude and in critical and difficult moments, your program has been a balm of faith, hope, and joy. I have not stopped tuning in and downloading and listening to your studies. You don't know how much admiration and appreciation I have for your team.
“Even now that song, when I hear it, immediately inspires me with peace and makes me feel close to my Lord and under His protection. My uncle went home to be with the Lord five years ago at 96 years old. But I always remember him and thank God for him, for leading me to the Lord and for you who continue to feed and comfort me with your program. May God’s grace, joy, and peace be with you always and comfort you.”
Today let’s thank God for Mario’s uncle and all those who are sharing their love for God and His Word with others:
Thank You, Father, for those who guide others to know You better. We’re grateful for the men and women You have used throughout our lives to teach and encourage us, to share their godly wisdom, and to gently correct us when we start to stray. Bless them, Lord, as they use their gifts to glorify You.
As we study together on the Bible Bus, give us an understanding heart and a teachable spirit, so that we take to heart the spiritual lessons and in turn pass the blessing onto others. Give us courage to share our faith and a desire to help others grow as well. In Jesus' name, amen.
We’re praying for God’s Word to break through traditions and superstitions in southern Asia tomorrow. Travel with us.
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