World Prayer Today

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Our amazing God

January 10, 2024

Oh, clap your hands, all you peoples!Shout to God with the voice of triumph! For the Lord Most High is awesome; He is a great King over all the earth. -Psalm 47:1-2

Has God’s love for you and your love for His people ever been so great that you just can’t keep it inside? That’s what we recently heard from Elly in Hallet Cove, Australia. Here’s more of her encouraging story:

How amazing is our God? I just can’t stop saying that. I love your ministry. It makes me feel connected to the family of believers, God’s children all around the world. In celebration of the occasion, I make another donation so the Bible Bus can keep rolling on all around the world.”

Today as we thank God for Elly and all those who love Him in Oceania, let’s pray Psalm 47.

Oh, Lord Most High, we clap our hands and shout songs of joy to praise Your mighty name! You are our great king! We stand in awe of who You are and what You have done. You sent Your Son Jesus to die for us and redeem us. We thank You for those in Oceania that clap alongside us and pray many more will join us in the chorus of singing Your praises. Reach the world with Your Word today. In the name of Jesus we pray, amen.

Is God enough? That’s the important question a listener in eastern Asia asks tomorrow. Join us as we travel on our knees.