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Are you willing?
October 20, 2023
Are you willing to step out of your comfort zone and be used by God? Nick in Michigan was. Here’s his recent story:
“Today, I was on a hunt for a tool for my garage. Isn't that how it always is? God uses our mundane vain pursuits to enter the scene and transform everyone involved.
“Anyway, a stranger came by to drop off a tool I wanted to purchase. I had previously emailed your staff to get some Bible Bus passes, so I had them on hand. There were a few times I wanted to hand them out and I forgot. I felt so ashamed. This time I remembered. As I talked to the stranger, I learned that his dad passed away two days earlier. As I handed him the money for the tool, I also handed him a Bible Bus pass and simply said, ‘This changed my life, I want to share it with you’ or something like that. I didn't go into some super long explanation or debate.
“As he left, I stood by my garage door weeping almost uncontrollably because God had taken my small act of obedience, and I know He will bless it. I hope to see that man in heaven one day. I can honestly say, I felt the Lord’s presence in that moment—and all because of a little blue Bible Bus pass.”
Thank God for neighbors and friends who share the love of God with others. Together let’s ask Him to give each of us the courage to reach out in His name. Like Nick, we can wait confidently on Him to use our small, faithful acts to accomplish His purpose.
Need help sharing the good news with those you love? These free resources can help. Or want to invite a family member or friend to study God’s Word with us? Call 1-800-65-BIBLE and we’ll send you a pack of Bible Bus passes, too.
Our prayer journey next week takes us to Europe. See you there!