World Prayer Today

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Work that matters

October 19, 2023

And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men. -Colossians 3:23

Who we are and what we do matter to God. These are the important lessons Gregorio learned as he hopped aboard the Bible Bus with us in Colossians. Here’s his story:

“I am a businessman in Mexico and work hard for my job and my family. Not long ago, I was overlooked for a promotion and felt underappreciated. A seed of bitterness began to grow in my heart. I got angry easily and began to distance myself from others. A friend noticed the change and without criticizing me, he directed me to your programs. This was life changing. I’ve always wondered if what I do matters and often felt overlooked. In your study of Colossians, I found the answer. Thank you for showing me that God wants me to work hard for Him, not for those around me, and that He doesn’t want me to waste a single opportunity and be gracious to those around me. These principles have given me meaning and purpose.”

What a great reminder. Today let’s pray Colossians 3:23 for all those who study God’s Word with us:

Heavenly Father, thank You for the responsibilities and opportunities You have given each of us. As we go about our daily roles, help us to do everything willingly, enthusiastically, and to the best of our abilities. In all we say and do, may we do it for Your praise and glory. In the precious name of Jesus, amen.

A listener in Michigan steps out of his comfort zone and shares about God. Hear his story tomorrow on World Prayer Today.

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