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October 13, 2023
Welcome, World Prayer Team, today we’re back in the Indian state of Gujarat, this time praying for Home Groups who study God’s Word in Rathwi, a language spoken by around 400,000 people around the world. Here’s a quick update from the producer of the programs:
“I am very encouraged to see how people are using the audio devices. We are a poor and underprivileged community. But through this medium, we provide an in-depth Bible study to my people. The groups listen regularly, and they are a great help to our believers. Every day, I call our group leaders and get information. Many testify that THRU the BIBLE is their church. They do not need a building or anything else, this teaching is more than sufficient. The people come and they grow … what more do they need?”
It’s true! What more do any of us need? In a country where 95% of the people have never heard the name of Jesus, this is good, good news. Keep praying! Ask God to open doors and provide the resources so one day India will be a nation that praises His name.
We’ve got more good news, this time a little closer to home. Join us on Monday as we begin a weeklong journey praying through North America.