World Prayer Today

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Praying we seek God with our whole hearts

October 03, 2023

Blessed are those who keep His testimonies, who seek Him with the whole heart! -Psalm 119:2

Seek God with a whole heart. Don’t just memorize Scripture, but obey it. That’s what we learned today on the Bible Bus, and that’s what we’re praying for this week as we travel on our knees through Central America and the Caribbean. Today let’s focus our prayer on the more than 700 islands and islets that make up the Bahamas.

While the majority of Bahamians claim to be Christian, few are committed to the church, and many churches lack pastoral leadership. Today let’s pray for God’s Word to be heard, taught, and cherished in the hearts of all those who hear it—including our own. Let’s use Psalm 119:2 as a place to begin.

Father, thank You for Your powerful Word that gives us everything we need to live a life that pleases You. As it goes out today, help all those who hear it to keep Your commands. Give us humility to walk in Your ways and wisdom to make good choices. Give us the diligence to seek You with our whole hearts and not to be distracted by the things of this world. We pray especially for our brothers and sisters in the Bahamas—may more of them study with us each day and follow You in all they do. As their knowledge increases, strengthen their churches and among them raise up men and women who want to lead and share Your Word with others. In the precious name of Jesus we pray, amen.

God can handle our deep, dark secrets … learn more tomorrow on World Prayer Today.

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