World Prayer Today

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Praying 1 John 1:7 in the Dominican Republic

October 02, 2023

But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. -1 John 1:7

Welcome to the Dominican Republic. As we pray for God’s Word going out in Spanish, we meet up with Elias, a fellow passenger on the Bible Bus. He shares:

“I listened to THRU the BIBLE growing up. Each morning my dad would sit us down for breakfast and we would be taught by you. I lost you for a while in my later youth, but praise God, I have found you again on my cell phone. My wife now listens along with me. I thank you for the words you share that help us walk in the light and fellowship with one another. We are blessed to hear this teaching that is devoid of falsehoods. I pray others will find it as well.”

Let’s pray with Elias, using 1 John 1:7 as our guide.

Loving Father, thank You for the blood of Jesus that cleanses us of our sins and Your grace that enables us to walk in Your light. We pray with Elias and his wife that more people in the Dominican Republic hear Your Word and choose to walk in the light. As they do, may they realize the joy of intimate fellowship with You. In the precious name of our Savior, Jesus, we pray. Amen.

We’ll walk the beaches of the Bahamas and pray Psalm 119:2 tomorrow. See you there.

Listen here to TTB-Spanish.