World Prayer Today

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Finding joy in difficult spaces

September 28, 2023

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. -James 1:2-4

When facing difficulty (maybe a health crisis, a job loss, or the end of a significant relationship), is your natural reaction joy? If we’re honest, most of us would say “no.” But a listener in Benin tells us it’s an important part of our spiritual journey. Here’s his story:

“I have been visually impaired since my childhood. I am uncomfortable and often feel left out. For many years it controlled my joy. That’s a sad truth I find hard to even share. Fortunately, in this state, I came across a friend who told me about your program. The more I learn God’s Word, the more I understand God’s will for my life. What struck me the most was the study on Paul’s letter to the Ephesians.

“Through this book, I understood that the Lord has an eternal scope for everything—in this case, for man to be saved. To my surprise, you talked about the man with open spiritual eyes having more advantages and happiness than one who has physical eyes but no knowledge of truth.

“This message came at the right time, as I was totally absorbed in my condition. The book of Ephesians delivered me from my bitterness. I am now aware that what I have lost is temporal instead of everlasting. I have found peace in this knowledge and have begun to develop joy in life again. I did not think it possible, but knowing God has a purpose in this pain makes a difference. It makes me feel valued and more importantly it makes me feel useful. I know that embracing this weakness can lead to other strengths that can advance for His kingdom. I plan to explore these options.”

Thank God for the wisdom found in His Word and His Spirit that opens them up to us. As it goes out in Benin and around the world in more than 250 languages on THRU the BIBLE, pray more of us see life through God’s purposes and plan. May we too find joy in the difficult spaces of our lives.

How do you deal with friends who are making unwise and unsafe decisions? That’s the struggle of a listener in Cabo Verde. Pray with us tomorrow.

Listen here to TTB-Fongbe.