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A church in Nevada brings THRU the BIBLE to pastors in Liberia
September 25, 2023
How can one listener and one church make a difference? Here’s how.
A listener from Nevada, a church leader on the Bible Bus, heard Gregg and Steve talk about Home Groups in India, Bangladesh, and Nepal. But their church has a heart for Liberia, Africa. Could Home Groups go there? He called us with a vision and a plan.
This was the beginning of a great opportunity and a great partnership. Together, we dreamed and came up with the idea of sending media players with all of THRU the BIBLE’s 5-year studies to those who wanted them. To the minimally educated pastor in Africa, this gift to listen and learn and then be equipped to share that Bible message with their entire congregation, could be a game changer. We wanted to see if they thought so, too. So, we sent one player to the team in Liberia. Would they want to listen and learn this way? We didn’t know, but we soon found out.
The Liberian team wrote back to us right away, asking for 20 more players for them to give to every church leader in their denomination. Soon after, they asked for 200 more. First one, then 20, now 200.
What this ministry team has done is launch a model for serving African pastors. Now, the opportunity is opening doors in Togo, Benin, Tanzania, and in languages beginning with African English, Fongbe, and African French.
“We are giving the church that was once a mile wide and 1/4 inch deep the depth they need to be grounded in God’s Word,” says THRU the BIBLE’s own Ray Alary. ”We’re no longer impacting just individuals. We’re impacting whole congregations, whole countries. African churches need pastors who have been trained to teach the Bible. That’s what these players help to do.”
God moves providentially; we can look back and see how He makes a path through. He sends His Word out through channels we never would have imagined possible. He also does this every day in our personal lives in ways we may never see. So, keep praying with confidence, knowing God is at work. Thank Him for the ways He is moving in your life and in the lives of our fellow Bible Bus passengers in Liberia and around the world.
God’s Word is multiplying in the lives of listeners. Join as we praise and pray in Togo.
Listen here to TTB-African English.