World Prayer Today

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Praying for the gateway between Europe and the Muslim world

September 19, 2023

For as the earth brings forth its bud,as the garden causes the things that are sown in it to spring forth, so the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations. -Isaiah 61:11

Strategically located on the Black Sea and bordered by Greece and Turkey to the south, many call Bulgaria the gateway between the Muslim world and Christian Europe. However, while a great majority of Bulgarians belong to the Orthodox church, for most “religion” is simply a tradition and an identity.

As we travel on our knees interceding for people in Bulgaria, let’s use Isaiah 61:11 to guide us:

Father, thank You for the gift of Your Word in our lives. We pray more in Bulgaria will come to hear it and righteousness and praise will spring forth from their nation. As the name of Jesus is planted in their hearts, may it spread throughout the land, bringing spiritual birth and renewal to the surrounding nations. One by one, may the countries of Europe become a garden of glory declaring Your goodness to the world. We ask this by faith, knowing only You make this possible. In the name of Jesus we pray, amen.

A listener in Ukraine finds rest in uncertain times. Hear her story tomorrow.

Listen here to TTB-Bulgarian.