World Prayer Today

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No room for worry

September 18, 2023

You will keep him in perfect peace,whose mind is stayed on You. …. -Isaiah 26:3

At some point in our lives, most of us will suffer through sleepless nights and fretful days with a worry on our mind that won’t go away. Sound familiar? Svetlana, a listener in Russia, thinks so. Here’s her story:

“I am a violist who is fortunate to travel the world playing with accomplished musicians. Often, I feel paralyzed by fear; what will happen to us, our country, and my family while I am gone? I began to have panic attacks.

“I am so grateful that I discovered your programs! Now that I am being filled by God’s Word, there is no room in my soul for worry. I feel as though God’s Word is healing me. I never thought that one day I would be studying the Bible, but now, Jesus is my anchor. My daughter observed this transformation in me, and we listen to you together.”

While we pray for God’s Word as it goes out in Russia today, let’s also intercede for all those on the Bible Bus who struggle with fear. As we keep our minds on Him (thinking about Him and what we’ve learned about Him and His Word), may His perfect peace seep deep within our hearts and leave no room for worry to take root and take over our lives.

Faith is often a tradition and an identity in Bulgaria. Join us as we pray Isaiah 61:11 in response.

Listen here to TTB-Russian.