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Pray against hindrances to the gospel in West Bengal
September 05, 2023
Welcome to West Bengal. Consider these things as we pray today:
- More than 250 million Bengalis live in communities throughout the world. 67 million live in West Bengal.
- Globally, the Bengalis are the world’s largest unreached ethnic group.
- William Carey’s pioneer missionary work 200 years ago was among Bengalis. Carey and his successors achieved much in Bible translation and in social and economic transformation, but these achievements are now past; little of that legacy remains.
- Hindrances to the gospel in West Bengal include pride of culture, tribal beliefs and practices, a spirit of independence, little adaptation of the Christian gospel to local culture, and in recent years, obstruction from the government. Pray for the
removal of every barrier to Bengalis believing in Jesus.
Despite these barriers, let’s praise God that His Word is reaching listeners like Sikha. Pray many more join us on the Bible Bus each day. Here’s her story:
"My life has been transformed through your teaching as well as the prayer and counseling of your team. Though I face many challenges, through prayer God has been helping me, and I am standing firm. Pray for my family so they will experience God’s love and accept my beliefs.”“
Good things are happening with God’s Word in Pakistan. Hop aboard the Bible Bus tomorrow to hear Gregg and Steve talk about it, then join us here.
Listen here to TTB-Bengali.