World Prayer Today

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Let’s get to work for God

August 29, 2023

 “I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” -Acts 20:35

“We’ve got a lot of work to do.”

That’s the message we hear today from Ximena, a fellow Bible Bus passenger in Ecuador. She says:

“Through your program I have learned many things. At first, as a housewife, I listened to the programming alone. After a year, I began to share the Bible study with my acquaintances and, as of this year, God has given me the joy of listening to the programming every night with my husband and my three children. The more I listen the more I realize that as Christians, we have a lot of work to do before the Lord returns. Our hard work for the service of others is a blessed thing. We need to share God’s Word with everyone. We need to be kind. We need help when and where we can. It is exciting to know we need each other.

“I want to say I love all my travel companions on the Bible Bus and the driver. I pray that this journey of knowledge of His Word never ends, as you are part of my daily life. God’s grace and blessings always be abundant for you all. Now let’s get to work!”

You heard it! Today let’s thank God for the tasks He has given us. Pray that, like Ximena, laboring for Him fills us with excitement. May all we do be done with joy.

God’s Word is a protection and provision. Find out more tomorrow as we pray our way through Colombia.