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Give what you’ve got
July 24, 2023
Young or old, weak or strong, when we make ourselves available the Lord can use us. That’s the encouraging word we hear as we stop and visit with Wendy, a fellow World Prayer Team member in Colorado. She shares:
“Today’s email touched my heart. Through the listener’s letter I recognized a method of ministry I could use—enclosing Bible Bus passes in greeting cards. As I prefer written communication to verbal, this felt like an epiphany. Along with continual prayer and monthly donation, I can support the mission to ‘get the whole Word to the whole world’ from my quiet place, by inviting people to ride the Bible Bus. My understanding of the Word has grown significantly as a result of studying with Dr. McGee. His teaching is a gift I want to share. Please send me a pack of Bible Bus passes, so I can introduce more people to this program. May the blessings multiply!”
It's true. God created us all differently, with different gifts and strengths. How are you using what He’s given you to share His love and His Word with others? As you thank Him for those opportunities, pray others aboard the Bible Bus will leverage the talents and treasures He’s given them for glory. May we all give what we’ve got as we seek to be living, breathing endorsements for Him.
Want to receive a packet of Bible Bus passes to share with those you meet? Email us at [email protected] to request a set for free.
Through countless trials, Rick in Tennessee continues to live joyfully for the Lord. Want to know His secret? Join us tomorrow on World Prayer Today.