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Your life is God’s love letter
April 27, 2023
You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men; clearly you are an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart. -2 Corinthians 3:2-3
Our stories matter to God—we are God’s love letter. He has written on our hearts not with ink but with His Spirit. With 2 Corinthians 3:2-3 in mind, be glad with us for this letter from Luiz in Brazil:
“I come to tell you what Jesus has done in my life because of His mercy. I am an attentive listener. The Bible is the best book to read. I followed you through Esther and the Holy Spirit talked to me. I was a very proud, selfish, and arrogant person. I planted a lot of bad seeds, and today I am paying earthly justice because of this evil that I made.
“But I had an encounter with Jesus here in a prison. It transformed my life completely. I am deprived of my physical freedom, but totally liberated by Jesus’ blood. I say thanks every day because there are men used by God to preach the message that the Holy Spirit puts in their hearts. May God bless the board of directors and all those involved with THRU the BIBLE. I continue praying for this ministry because God has tremendously acted in this difficult place.”
Thank God for Luiz and all those who are changed as God’s Word goes out in Portuguese and more than 200 languages around the world. Pray it breaks through borders, prison walls, and even the hardest of hearts to bring glory to Him.
What is the story God is writing in your life? Don’t keep it to yourself! Like Luiz, you are His endorsement to the world. You’re a living, breathing, walking, talking love letter. Share it today with those in your life and share it with us, simply email [email protected].
Our journey through South America is coming to an end. Meet us tomorrow in Uruguay.
Listen here to TTB-Brazilian Portuguese.