World Prayer Today

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Surrendering can be scary … but it’s worth it

December 23, 2022

“For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.” -Matthew 16:25

“I am dying, but because of God’s Word I will not live my final days filled with bitterness and regret.”

That’s the powerful story we hear from a listener in Indonesia. He continues:

“I am a 59-year-old father of three. My wife and I have sold most of our belongings to pay for my medical bills, and still my health is declining. I am physically powerless, but I’ve found something priceless in this state of being—I’ve found the power of God’s Word.

“Not long ago I would have rejected a program like this; now you are my companion. Through your teaching, God speaks to me about many things. I have come to realize that I have wasted much time living in lust and not glorifying the Lord. I didn’t realize how short life is. God has shown me my weakness and taught me how to be still and listen for Him. I have asked for His forgiveness and now wait for Him to show me what’s next. Will He use me on this earth now that He has my attention? Or will He call me home? I am ready to enter heaven’s gate or I am ready to serve Him. It’s all in His hands. Either way, I am at peace.”

Surrendering to God’s will for our lives isn’t easy. In fact, sometimes it’s downright scary. But today let’s pray and thank Him for His promise in Matthew 16:25.

Father, you are worthy of our lives. Of all the competing voices vying for our time, attention, and money, help us to focus on You. Like this gentleman in Indonesia, we know that each day is safe within Your hands. Help us to surrender all that we have and trust You to do what is best. Just as Jesus endured to the end and was glorified, help us to stand firm knowing that His story did not end at the cross and neither will ours. With each day we have on this earth, help us to follow Him no matter the cost. In His precious name we pray, amen.

We’re celebrating until the end of 2022. Meet us back here on Monday. Until then we wish you good tidings of great joy as you celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Merry Christmas from your prayer partners at THRU the BIBLE.

Listen here to TTB-Javanese.