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You’re never too old or too young to serve God
June 27, 2022
You are never too old or too young to serve the Lord. That’s what we hear from a listener in South Africa today. Here’s her story:
“I am 80 years old and have been listening for the last four years. Your presentation of God’s Word is magnificent! I am not able to do as much as I used to, but I see myself as a warrior for the Lord in prayer. Prayer is something you can do at any age, and it’s effective. If you are breathing, you can serve the Lord. Consider your ministry slathered in prayer each day.”
What a great role model of faith! Pray for God’s Word as it goes out in the language of Afrikaans and thank Him that He can use us all. Ask Him to direct your prayers and model your heart after His.
We’re off to Botswana tomorrow to meet with a friend who rides the Bible Bus in the Shona language.
Listen here to TTB-Afrikaans.