World Prayer Today

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The most important question you can ask

May 30, 2022

Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” –Matthew 16:16

Who is Jesus? This question has caused more confusion, difference of opinion, and division than any other. And that’s exactly what a listener of THRU the BIBLE in Ghana was asking as he tuned in. Here is his story:

“I felt aimless and empty. I questioned my life and what I was meant to do. A friend suggested I join him in listening to your programs. At first, I was outraged. I had always heard that Jesus was a prophet. But as I listened more, I learned that the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ has given Christians direct access to the Throne of Grace. The fact that we can come before God Himself because of Jesus really touched me. I now believe I am also a child of God.”

As we pray for more people in Ghana to learn the truth about Jesus, consider who you can share Him with as well. For help, download Dr. McGee’s booklet, “The Most Important Question: Who Is Jesus?” today.

Are you learning more about Jesus and who He is through our studies? We’d love to hear your story. Email us at [email protected].

Our journey continues tomorrow. We’ll see you in Nigeria.

Listen here to TTB-Twi.