World Prayer Today

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Asking God to open doors

December 08, 2021

Have you ever wondered why THRU the BIBLE continues to respond to open doors and share God’s Word in more languages each year? Koffi in Ivory Coast sums up the answer perfectly:

“It is impressive to hear the Word of God in one’s mother tongue. This not only personalizes the relationship with God but symbolizes the Christian principle that God loves us all, regardless of race, cultural background, and class. It makes Jesus true in a language that we can understand, feel, and share with the community. Thank you for this initiative, and God bless you!”

Today let’s thank God for His Word that speaks of His great love for all of us. Pray as He leads THRU the BIBLE into new languages and provides the funds to reach more people. Ask that in 2022 He opens more doors and hearts so an untold number of people will encounter God’s Word in new and fresh ways.

We have new brothers and sisters in India. Celebrate with us tomorrow!