World Prayer Today

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A young man risks losing his family for his faith

August 25, 2021

“Against my father’s wishes, I have become a Christian.”

That’s the start of a text we received from Jiang, a listener of THRU the BIBLE in Cantonese. He continues: 

My family threatens to disown me, and now that I am preparing to go into ministry instead of business, I fear they will cast me out permanently. Thank you for your programs that remind me I am on the right path. You have become my family and my friend. God’s Word is a source of comfort and a reminder that my future is just beginning.” 

Today pray for Jiang and all those who are ostracized because of their faith. Ask God to remind them of His great love for them and pray that the Holy Spirit will be their strength in all circumstances. May their unwavering faith break down objections and be an attractive testimony to all those who oppose the Lord. 

We’ve got good news in South Korea tomorrow. Join us for the journey.

Listen here to TTB-Cantonese.