World Prayer Today

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Praying the truth of God’s Word rings clear in India

May 12, 2021

We’ve heard the easiest way to travel through the Indian state of Tripura is by helicopter. So, hop aboard, and together let’s take in some breathtaking aerial views and ask God to change more hard hearts like that of our tour guide, Suraj. Here’s his amazing story.

“Like many people I know, I hated Christians. Several had tried to share the Good News with me, but I laughed and resisted. I called them names and chased them off. Then one day I stopped by the home of a relative, and there was a group of people listening to the radio. I joined them not knowing they were listening to Thru the Bible.

“At the end of the program, I was in shock. I had never heard such beautiful words in my life. I continued to listen, and my understanding of Christianity broadened. I learned that my religion was not real, and I gave my life to Christ.”

As God’s Word goes out in the language of Kok Borok today, pray the truth of God’s Word rings in the ears of all those who hear it. One by one may each man, woman, and child realize their need for a Savior and fall on their knees before Jesus.

Exciting things are happening in Nepal. Pray with us there tomorrow.

Listen here to TTB-Kok Borok.