World Prayer Today

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Praying for God’s faithful in Kenya

July 06, 2020

A faithful man will abound with blessings …. -Proverbs 28:20

Our global prayer journey takes us to Kenya today to meet with a pastor who is excited to share how God uses Thru the Bible (in the language of Gikuyu) in his church. 

“The early church must have been strong! As we’ve studied Acts with you, our church is in awe. Our people are ready to serve the Lord and are hungry to learn from His Word. I pray every day that God helps me serve them earnestly. We are a small church, but mighty. Please pray that we are used by God however He needs us in Kenya. As we finish our meetings and pray, we always affirm that we are available and ask Him to use us to share His love with anyone at any time.”

Praise God for this group of faithful believers. As we intercede today, ask God to bless them as they study His Word and reach out to others. And, as we’re on our knees let’s ask Him to use each of us all well.

Tomorrow we’re off to Rwanda, we’ll meet you there.