World Prayer Today

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95% of people in India have never heard the name of Jesus

May 15, 2020

95% of people in India have never heard the name of Jesus. That’s why today we rejoice that God’s Word is reaching into hearts of listeners like this one:

“I became a Christian through your teaching. In time, the Lord freed me from the false rituals and customs of my forever life, and I grew in my faith.

“When my relatives found out, they ignored and rejected me, but I was not deterred. I was never disappointed, but instead prayed. Finally, God answered my prayers. I’m a part of a Bible study class in my village where eight members gather.

“Even though my relatives are still against me, I am grateful for this family of faith. I consider you among that circle. I praise God that He helps me in every situation. I know many in India are seeking peace. Please pray they will hear God’s Word and have the courage to look beyond what they have been taught and seek the Lord.”

Yes! Ask the Lord to bless Thru the Bible heard in Andhra Pradesh in the languages of Banjara, Kannada, Marathi, Tamil, and Telugu. Pray that as God’s truth is heard in Andhra Pradesh and throughout India, more people will choose to follow Jesus.

It’s a privilege to pray with you. Join us next week as we travel on our knees through the Middle East.