World Prayer Today

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When we struggle to forgive

October 31, 2019

Ephesians 4:32 says, “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.”

Welcome to Mozambique. Today on our World Prayer journey we meet a listener who asks for our prayer as she tries to forgive someone who has hurt her deeply. Listen to her story:

“‘Lord, change my heart.’ That’s my constant prayer. I love God and I know He wants me to forgive, but the father of my children has hurt me so much. His unkindness can be unbearable. Your lessons in Ephesians are helping, but I still cannot forgive. How can I do it? Please pray for me. I want to please God and release myself from this anger.”

Today let’s pray for all those who struggle to forgive. May God grant us His peace and give us the strength we need to love others as He does.

Our journey through Africa ends tomorrow in Swaziland. We hope you’ll meet us there.