World Prayer Today

Praying our way through the “Ring of Fire”

September 04, 2019

Located in an area called “the Ring of Fire” in the Pacific Ocean, Papua New Guinea is perhaps one of the most culturally diverse islands in the world.

And with only 13% of people living in urban centers, it is also one of the world’s least explored countries, both culturally and geographically. With a population of nearly 7 million, roughly 830 different languages are spoken.

It’s here amongst the beauty and diversity that we stop and pray for Thru the Bible listeners in the Hindi language. The government places no restrictions on the freedom of religion, and over 95% identify themselves as members of a Christian church. But that number is deceiving, because many combine their Christian faith with traditional indigenous practices.

Let’s ask God to replace these ritualistic practices with the grace and love that can only be found in Jesus.

Invite a friend to join tomorrow as we travel on our knees to the mysterious country of Myanmar.