World Prayer Today

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Having the courage to leave

August 26, 2019

Leaving the religion of your family to follow Jesus isn’t easy. Let’s listen to the story of this young man in Rajasthan, India, who is requesting our prayers.

“I was born into a Sindhi family that was brought up in the religious beliefs of our ancestors. It meant worshiping gods and goddesses and performing many rituals. We did these things because we wanted prosperity and riches but also protection from the deities. A sudden death in our family awakened me to the reality that our prayers were not being answered and our spiritual path was not the right one.

“In fact, once I reexamined our faith, I saw that rather than receiving riches and peace of mind, we got just the opposite: immoral lifestyle, sickness, and poverty. It seemed pointless to continue with all our religious beliefs. Needless to say, I was quite disappointed. I wanted a real God who would supply my needs and bless me.

“That is when I accidentally ran into your program. Through your broadcasts I heard that Jesus was the one who could grant me real peace. I was surprised to find I was being blessed now without having to sacrifice anything at the altar of clay and wooden gods.

“Today I believe in Jesus Christ and have repented for my sins and accepted Him as my Savior. My goal is to share the program with as many people as possible. My family is not happy, many have rejected me, but please pray with me that they may accept the Lord and be set free from sin.”

What a great story. Today let’s join him in praying for his family and others throughout India. And as extremist views become more popular, remember also to pray for our brothers and sisters who are rejected and persecuted. Ask God to encourage, protect, and multiply their numbers as they courageously walk with Him.

Our prayers for God’s people in India continue tomorrow—meet us in Karnataka.