World Prayer Today

Speaking hope to women in Afghanistan

March 06, 2019

On our World Prayer Today journey around the world, we stop now in war-torn Afghanistan.

Thru the Bible teaches God’s Word in this difficult region through our partner ministry, TWR—persevering in spite of political, geographic, and cultural challenges.

Today, let’s pray specifically for the TWR outreach, Project Hannah. Women in Afghanistan face unspeakable problems, which are magnified through local traditions. Violence against women—ranging from domestic abuse to rape, forced prostitution, and honor killings—typically go under-reported. And TWR reports that girls and women who try to escape their cultural strongholds may be accused of and prosecuted for attempting to have extramarital sex; some are even forced to burn themselves to death.

TWR’s Women of Hope programs provide biblical perspectives and practical advice to girls and women who are in desperate need to know of Jesus’ love for them, their value before God, and how to break the cycle of abuse.

Prayer is the backbone of Project Hannah. Lift up this life-giving outreach to the women of Afghanistan and intercede for women the world over who have never heard of God’s gift of love.

Join us on our knees tomorrow as we travel back to eastern India for an amazing story of rescue.