World Prayer Today

Celebrating God’s goodness in Mozambique

November 01, 2018

Mozambique is a country at a crossroads. Yet despite their troubled past, as a nation they are moving forward politically and economically.

The amazing success is due, in large part, to the stable government that has been in place since the civil war ended. Interestingly, many of these government leaders were educated in the missionary schools of Mozambique.

Welcome to World Prayer Today. As we touch down along the coast of this southeast African country, let’s take this opportunity to celebrate God’s goodness with a few listeners of Thru the Bible in the Tswa language.

A man named Inhassoro shares, “Jesus is the rock of our eternal salvation. Amen! That is what I learned from your programs and that is what I’m shouting from the rooftops!”

And Vilanculo writes, “Through these beautiful words, my faith was renewed, my hope was reborn, because God is really the rock of my life. When I am faced by an adversity, I feel tempted to run away and give up. But why run if I have God as my rock? In Him I hide myself, not to escape but to bring glory to our God. I know that God will never leave me, in Him I rest.”

Isn’t that beautiful? Today, please pray that more people in Mozambique will come to know Jesus and learn to rest in Him. And as we study His Word, let’s ask Him to renew our faith as well.

Tomorrow we’re off to Swaziland. Invite your friends to join here at